Madden NFL 24

Cross platform
Tournament Rules
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Prize Pool
Entry Fee
Tournament Info
Format: Single elimination
Organizer: Stride
Game: Madden NFL 24
Registered Participants: 0
Team: 1 Players


  • Breaking rules that are deemed against Electronic Arts’ Rules to Know will result in a ban from future Stride events and possible additional punishment from Electronic Arts. 1.1.2- Age Requirement
  • Players must be 13 years of age or older to compete and receive prizing. 1.2 NAMES 1.2.1- Individual Names
  • Players have the liberty to choose their names, provided they are suitable and adhere to a PG (Parental Guidance) rating. However, Stride Staff reserves the right to request a team to change their name if it is deemed offensive or inappropriate. 2.0 GENERAL RULES 2.1 STRIDE ESPORTS FORMAT 2.1.1- General Format
  • 1v1 Single Elimination Bracket
  • Best of 1 Games 2.1.2- Match Day Procedure
  • Before the match, Stride Staff will designate a home and away team. The home team is responsible for running the match.
  • Add your opponent from the opposing team as a friend and invite them to a game.
  • Start Madden NFL 24, select “Quick Play”, select “Online H2H”, select “Play a Friend”, and select your opponent and create the lobby with the settings in 2.1.3. 2.1.3- Game Settings
  • Fatigue: 50
  • Injuries: Off
  • Even Teams: On
  • Quarter Length: 5 mins
  • Game Skill: All-Madden
  • Accelerated Clock: 20 secs.
  • Weather: Off (Clear)
  • Quarter Length: 6 minutes
  • Play Clock: 40 seconds
  • Game Speed: Normal
  • Game Style: Competitive
  • Stadium: Home Team Stadium NOTE: A player may pick the same team as the opponent. 2.1.3- Optional Game Settings Players have the option to adjust the following Gameplay Helpers in Madden NFL 24’s main Game Options menu:
  • Auto Flip Defensive Play Call: On (Default)
  • Defensive Ball Hawk: On (Default)
  • Defensive Heat Seeker Assist: On (Default)
  • Defensive Switch Assist: On (Default)
  • Coach Mode: Off (Default) 2.1.4- Mercy Rule If the following conditions are met during a match, at the sole discretion of the Event Officials, a match may be ended early and victory awarded to the Competitor with the score advantage in the interest of continuing the tournament in a timely manner.
  • A Competitor has a thirty-two (32) or greater point lead at the end of the first half.
  • A Competitor has a twenty-five (25) or greater point lead AND the losing Competitor has had at least one opportunity to possess the ball for a full drive in the second half
  • A Competitor has a twenty-four (24) point lead with possession of the ball AND the losing Competitor has had at least one opportunity to possess the ball for a full drive in the second half. 2.1.5- Game Disconnection Procedure In the event of a game disconnection, where a player involuntarily disconnects from the online match, the following procedure must be followed:
  1. Automatic Closure: The game will automatically close upon a player’s disconnection. The connected player at the time of disconnection must note down the score and the remaining time in the match.
  2. Reconnection and Recreation: Once the disconnected player is able to reconnect, the online match must be recreated. In this scenario, players must subtract the time completed in the previous match from the total match time. The remaining time must then be completed in the newly-created online match.
  3. Determining the Winner: After the completion of the remaining time, players must add up the total scores from both the original match and the newly-created match. The sum of these scores will determine the winner of the overall game. 2.2 FORFEITS 2.2.1- Pre-Series Forfeits
  • If an individual is unable to participate in a match, that individual may receive a forfeit.
  • There is a 15 minute grace period awarded to each competitor before a match start time. If a player doesn’t show up on time then the other competitor will be awarded the win. After which the entire match is forfeited.
  • Please notify a member of Stride staff in the event of a forfeit and be prepared to present evidence of an opponent’s absence if requested.
  • If you believe that you’ve provided your opponent with ample opportunities to play the match, but they are uncooperative and you wish to request a forfeit, please contact a league operator via Discord, either through direct message or in the captains’ channel, BEFORE THE MATCH DEADLINE. A decision will then be made. 2.2.2- Mid-Series Forfeits
  • If the disconnected player fails to return within 10 minutes or does not provide a valid explanation for the disconnection, they forfeit their position in the tournament. 2.3 DISQUALIFICATION 2.3.1- Disqualification
  • Stride Esports retains the authority to disqualify teams or players violating our rules and policies. Disqualification may entail removal from the series and the possibility of forfeiting your tournament spot. In instances of players displaying toxic behavior, a preliminary warning will be issued, and the severity of consequences may lead to an immediate ban. We maintain the right to disqualify teams for various reasons, including but not limited to:
  • Toxic Behavior
  • Tardiness
  • Cheating
  • Hacking/Exploits
  • Engaging in any other activity that significantly disturbs a peaceful, fair and respectful gaming environment of the series.
  • Promoting, encouraging or taking part in any prohibited activity described above. 2.4 CHEATING AND GLITCHING 2.4.1- Player Abuse and Exploitation
  • In the event of a player exploiting a game vulnerability, a warning will be issued, and potential disqualification may occur, contingent upon the gravity of the offense. However, should the same team exploit another vulnerability after receiving a warning, they will face immediate disqualification. 2.4.2- Notification of Cheating
  • While cheating is often detectable, participants are relied upon to report any instances of cheating or suspicious activity voluntarily. 2.5 STREAMING 2.5.1- Streaming
  • Players have the freedom to livestream the event through their point-of-view, but they must mute their streams during Discord conversations with admins.
  • If you are streaming, let us know in the #⁠clips-and-streams channel.
  • Select matches will be streamed over on the Stride Esports Twitch channel, make sure to check to see if your match is marked as streamed on the bracket. 2.6 PRIZING 2.6.1- Prize Distribution
  • Guaranteed prize pool of $450 for this event, distributed between the top 3 players. ● 1st - $225 ● 2nd - $150 ● 3rd - $75
  • Winners will be contacted through Discord about receiving prizes. You will not be eligible to claim your prize if you are not authorized through Stridekick.
  • Payout will be through Tango Gift Cards. You don’t need to DM anyone, we will reach out to you. It typically takes 3-7 days to receive it. 2.7 EXPECTED BEHAVIOR 2.7.1- Penalization
  • We retain the authority to impose appropriate penalties based on the circumstances and the conduct of the players involved. The determination of penalties and their severity is entirely at the discretion of the League Operator. 2.7.2- Team Activity
  • Maintain a respectful and sportsmanlike atmosphere. While it’s understandable that players may become frustrated, directing such frustration toward teammates and opponents can disrupt the experience for everyone. There will be repercussions for excessively toxic behavior and/or deliberate griefing. Furthermore, there is a Zero Tolerance Policy for any form of hate speech, including but not limited to homophobia, sexism, racism, and ableism. 3.0 CHANGES TO RULES 3.1.1- Modifications
  • Stride Esports retains the authority to modify, revise, delete, or introduce new rules at their discretion, both before and during the tournament. Any alterations to the rules will be publicly announced. Players are responsible for ensuring that all team members are well-informed about any rule adjustments.
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